Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Wicca, Asatru, & Wotanism

                                                         Wicca, Asatru, and Wotanism

                                                              By Jessica Nachtmann

I wanted to write about the differences between Wicca, Asatru and Wotanism in an attempt to clarify some misconceptions I've seen regarding Wotanism and what makes it different from Wicca and Asatru. This article is obviously written to someone new to Wotanism but I feel it's beneficial to all to consider as we aim to spread truth to those who want to hear it. Many people tend to confuse Asatru and Wotanism and even all three religions together. They have important differences that do need to be clarified and understood by those who share an interest in them. I make no claim to be a self-appointed expert on the topic but I feel this information is basic and anyone with basic knowledge of all three religious paths would agree with this article and those who don't know to form an opinion of their own.


Wicca is a broad universal pagan religion with multiple paths and Wiccans also usually identify themselves as Witches (female Wiccan) or Warlocks/Wizards (male Wiccans). Wiccans sometimes choose specific "paths" of practice. These paths are usually ethnic or indicate if the Wiccan follows a particular school of Witchcraft. For example some Wiccans can choose to follow the Celtic Path where Celtic Gods and Goddesses are worshiped and some Wiccans call themselves "eclectic" Witches/Wizards if they mix and match their magical belief systems and practice to suit their preferences.

Groups or clans of Wiccans form what they call covens. Wicca is universal as it has many paths of many different cultures and religions. For example a Black who practices Houdoo/Voudoo can be as Wiccan as much as a White who follows neo-Druidism. Anyone can become a Wiccan if they wish to as long as they abide by the universal creed "Do harm to none." Wicca is largely practiced by women though men do become Wiccans and many Wiccan paths do focus on Goddess worship which some Heathens consider to be a more female centric or a feminist religion. Wiccans are generally very peace loving and are liberal on views of homosexuality and other issues.

When you think of Wicca, think of a Pagan version of Judeo-Christianity only more liberal.


Asatru is a Heathen religion based on the Norse/Teutonic pantheon of Gods. It means to be loyal to the gods or belief in the gods. It's a religion that encourages one to draw strength from their ancestors and unlike many other religions Heathens whether they are Asatruer or Wotanist accepts the Gods as their kin.

While Asatru is an ethnic religion more exclusive to those of Northern European heritage Asatru is becoming more universal like a branch of Wicca and it has caused an unfortunate adoption of political correctness in my opinion. Both Asatru and Wotanism alike do not encourage hatred of other peoples as some have been lead to believe (though Wotanists acknowledge hatred is a natural emotion to feel when what you love is being threatened) but due to politics and political correctness, some Asatruers tend to have an defensive anti-racist outlook and do not always recognize Wotanists as fellow Heathens and even go as far as to stand against them. Many Asatruars face criticisms from both those who accuse them of racism and by those who feel that Asatru attempts to be too politically correct and try to appeal too much to outsiders. Then again some Asatruars don't seem to place much importance of who can become a recognized Asatruar in the Asatru community as long as they worship the Gods. While there is non-universalist or traditional Asatruars they try to remain neutral but still shy away from those who they feel might carry racialist or folkish leanings or strong national or political views in fear of being called a racist.

Something may I remind you the reader, our ancestors would have probably equated to "You big mean Viking!" and probably had a good laugh at the person who would call them such a minor insult. Then again our ancestor's enemies wouldn't have had the courage nor the ability to insult much since they once feared the wrath of the Northmen not the Northmen fear them let along their empty insults.

Other then the above issues mentioned Asatru and Wotanism are very much alike in terms of basic religious practice. Both accept the same Gods, both believe in the same basic principals and virtues religiously and use most of the same rituals and celebrate the same holidays.

Asatru unlike Wicca is more exclusive while still can be fairly universal and is one path instead of many.


Wotanism differs from Asatru in some significant ways. For example Wotanism in addition to Norse/Teutonic religion is more exclusive not just too folkish Whites but it is seen as esoteric or only for those who understand it or are initiated into its more mysterious teachings. It also differs from Asatru in the sense that it can never be altered to be anything other than a Heathen religion for White Aryans who wish to delve into the mysteries of life. In the 88 Precepts it specifically states that any religion that is universal is false by natural law and doesn't properly serve the ones who follow it.

7. Religion in its most beneficial form is the symbolism of a People and their culture. A multiracial religion destroys the senses of uniqueness, exclusivity and value necessary to the survival of a race.

Wotanism also differs from Asatru in the sense that while the Norse Gods are the primary deities worshiped that other gods from other White pre-Christian pantheons such as Greco-Roman, Celtic, Slavic and more can be worshiped as well. Wotan and other gods and goddesses are seen both as gods and as archetypes.

It's hard to explain to the average person what Wotanism is because Wotanism is very complex for the "average Joe/Jane" and unlike most religions it's not meant for anyone who simply isn't meant for it, and by initiated I mean someone who discovers Wotanism for themselves and is inspired to dedicate themselves to learning the ancient mysteries and teachings it bestows to those worthy. To become a Wotanist one must wish to be enlightened.

So simply put Wotanism is a mystery school and the religious aspect is only one level of Wotanism that can only be understood by those it's called to.

Wotanism isn't for everyone and it's not intended to be and that's what makes it special and unique and very beneficial to the Wotanist initiate. The major world religions are universal in order to control and destroy the others. Heathen and other Pagan religions were known for their rich cultural diversity that can only be preserved by staying unique to those of that cultural heritage and should refrain from becoming more like the monotheistic religions that have aimed to destroy all which was/is great in this world.

Wotanism is not new but it is a religion for the White Aryan man or women who wish to learn what the ancients knew about the body-mind-soul-divine. Those of you that don't know much about Wotanism it will strike amazing cords within you. It's a path to freedom for those who wish to be free. Free to think for their selves, to defend oneself from the moral and spiritual decay of modern society.

Say no to forced universal mono-cultural belief systems (even those claiming to be polytheistic) that preach "one world, one people" false doctrines and embrace true diversity through racial awareness and cultural preservation. Sadly some Pagans assume because something is branded as Pagan or non-Christian it must be a better alternative than the mainstream monotheistic religions and their spawn but it's not really all that different. It's the same thing, with a different name. Don't fall for it.

Religions must be exclusive and have a clear set of core values or the founding values will be corrupted and the religion will devolve into just another religion that offers nothing of spiritual value to its followers.

A religion must encourage its followers to better themselves, to learn how to think and not what to think. For me that is the path of All-Father Wotan and his wisdom.

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